Last night I went to a kickoff meeting for my triathlon club. For the first time they brought in a keynote speaker, Brad Cooper, the founder of US Corporate Wellness. Presenting is his job and he's very good at it. All his topics were relevant to pushing yourself to be a little better every day, which can be applied to any area of your life. But one thing he said really stood out for me - that focusing on just one thing when you are feeling like "you're done" will get you through all the rest, and you will probably come out better than you expected.

He used an example of a long bike ride he went on with his teenage daughter, and they got lost. They were out of food and water and really far from where they started. His daughter was exhausted and upset, and suddenly his focus went from "This is a bad situation. I'm running out of energy and have no food to help... How did we get here and what are we going to do to get out of this mess?" to "How do I help Danielle? Danielle... Danielle... I have to keep riding really fast and get to the car so I can help Danielle." Focusing on just one thing, Danielle, took care of all the rest. He didn't worry about water, about his energy level, about how far he had to ride. He said that our brains use a lot of energy, and by drowning out all the other noise and fixating on one important thing, you'll find your way through.

There are so many components to weight loss. Sure it's eat less and move more, but it's also curbing cravings, measuring food, planning exercise and actually DOING it, navigating parties, dealing with business dinners or food-pushing friends and relatives, getting your water and your fruits and veggies in, setting up healthy spaces, finding the time for your family... It really is a lot! Regarding my own weight loss, lately I've been standing in what I call The Field, and I've been trying to manage the entire field, but after that talk last night I realize that perhaps I need to focus on just one aspect. Pick the flowers, or the water, or the mountain, whatever - don't manage the whole thing, but FOCUS on the one thing you need to be successful.

That one thing is my nutrition. On some level I am pretty well dialed in to this. I have built habits that are good enough to keep me at my same weight, if I can't think too much about what I'm eating. But I have made "can't think about it" a habit itself, and that's an integral part (maybe the integral part, for me) of managing The Field. I have not been tracking. I have not been planning. I have been drinking alcohol more often. Yes I've been able to maintain my weight loss, but I'm not at my goal and if I want to get there, good nutrition is the thing I need to focus on and let everything else in The Field fade away for a bit. Healthy food... pick healthy food... eat healthy food... plan for healthy food... healthiest food on the menu.... buy healthy food... healthy food healthy food HEALTHY FOOD.

Like I said my eating habits are pretty good. I know what healthy food is - lean proteins, eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, yogurt. I generally choose those foods and I really enjoy eating them. I also know that red wine and dark chocolate can be part of this nutrition plan I make for myself, as long as I enjoy them in moderation. It is so obvious that the thing I need to focus on is HEALTHY FOOD and nothing else... the workouts will fall in, or if they don't, fine, I'm focused on the food, the social situations will not need to be "managed" because I'm already focused on the HEALTHY FOOD. I can give my mind a rest by honing in on the one thing in my Field that is really important. I already have a plan for this ('nother blog). I'm really glad I went to the meeting, and that they had this guy speak.

In other funny coincidences, my WW leader was AT this meeting last night. Apparently she's a new member, just joined the club. Crazy! She has a million WW members so I'm not surprised she didn't recognize me. It's odd for all when worlds collide.