Friday, September 23, 2016

this PHOTO

I love this photo. I love Sophia Loren! Maybe I'll watch one of her movies this weekend. The only one I ever honestly remember watching is "Grumpy Old Men." But this photo.. THIS PHOTO!! What is shocking is that *my own body* resembles that of the woman in this photo! My friend posted this picture on FaceBook with some quote attributed to Sophia Loren, which everyone on the interwebs refuted. But honestly, this photo needs no quote attached. Just look at this woman - bellissima!!

So this hasn't been the best week, re-entry to the real world after the EuroTrip has been HARD. I am happy to say that... work is actually better. A nice long vacation certainly helps you appreciate that the crap you deal with on a daily basis can provide you with stellar life experiences. So, there's that. But getting back into the crap you deal with on a daily basis? DIFFICULT. I went off the rails for two days - TWO WHOLE DAYS, DAMMIT. Totally wish I had this stress-eating thing licked, but I don't, and that's OK I'm back on the wagon and I'll just move on. I'm up 0.8 lbs according to WW scale. And, speaking of the scale...

I did not want to weigh in this morning. I really didn't. I went and I even TOLD the girl checking me in that I didn't want to, and she offered up the "no weigh-in" option to me. But I said 'nope, it's just a number.' And I stepped on the scale, it was up 0.8, I enjoyed the meeting and ran in to Target before work. And then I came and got to work. So that's what 'carrying on with the generally healthy life I've been living' looks like.

I've set a goal to be down 6 pounds by Halloween. Again, a number, and not that I'm focusing on it but it will give something to progress toward. No worries if I don't hit it. I can't believe it is FALL, already.

Happy Friday, friends.

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