Friday, December 2, 2016

grief - 175.0

I'm angry I can't have a slice of pie every night and not lose weight. I know this should be no surprise, but I figured if I track it, I can plan for it and have it, right?

Well the scale says.... WRONG! :(

Of course, I also had extra Thanksgiving leftovers every day this week, and while I tracked all those, did I *really* know how much I was having, or how many calories they really contained? Probably not. Which leads me to my grief... of which, I'm in the anger stage. I was bargaining last week, now I'm angry. Why can't I have that stuff? Why can't I partake in leftovers, is this how the rest of my life is going to look? I have to just give it up for good and get used to the idea that after Thanksgiving Day, no more yummy foods - toss them or don't take home leftovers? WaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

This too shall pass, I know. But for today, after my 0.2lb gain on this post-Thanksgiving week, I am mad. And pouty. I know I will get to acceptance, but not today.

On the other hand, it's a new week with a new chance to lose another pound. Less sugar. Fewer meals I can't be sure of the calorie content. Planning. Tracking. Continued workouts. I have been doing GREAT with my workouts! BFL weights 3x per week and a sweaty workout at least 2x per week. Go, me!

Today is my dad's birthday. He would be 84. He's been gone almost 10 years. The one thing I know about grief is that it really does get easier with time (though I'm not sure it ever 'turns' to joy, you just are just able to once again enjoy experiencing other joys). I guess 10 Decembers from now, I won't be terribly lamenting the absence of my post-Thanksgiving week leftovers. But right now, I'm having a hard time accepting that this is my new reality. Le sigh.

Happy December, friends. Here's to experiencing the grief of letting go of our favorite holiday foods. (Gosh that sounds bad!)


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