Friday, December 30, 2016

+5.4 happened REALLY quickly... 179.4

Up five pounds in a week! I'd like to say it's not "real" weight... because, you know, I was sick, I had pizza *and* chili yesterday, etc... but the truth is, today my relationship with gravity is 5.4 pounds more than it was last week. So be it.

The good news is, I'm sort of on track again, working out like I do, drinking water, eating healthy food. I did have some extra sugar yesterday, and some extra wine... baby steps, though. I think I'm planning for a sugar-free January. Uruguay is in a MONTH and I want to be ready!

One of the trainers from Base reached out for a 3-session special, I am going to sign up. This will turn into more sessions, but I think I will just use the sessions to get myself to goal - where I am happy with how I look, how I feel, how clothes fit, etc. I am almost there, I really am.

If I were to quantify my goal, it would be that I want to carry less weight around during runs, races, skiing, etc. I think 155 is a good amount, given my height. I want to fit into normal size 10s or smaller, so I can shop in the trendy sections and fit into the clothes there and not worry about it. I want less fat around my midsection - I know you can't spot reduce, but that's where most of my extra fat is stored, so reducing overall fat will reduce that area, too. Truly, I'm ok with the way I look, just want to reduce fat... so yes, one of the things I will do with the new trainer is measure my body fat.

In 2017 I plan to do an Olympic triathlon, the MS150 ride, the Gourmet Classic ride and a sprint tri here and there. I need to find one in July and another in September. Austin half would be a fun 40th birthday thing, too...

One other thing - I am so grateful for this difficult year. Despite the challenges, I had a lot of fun, my bills are all paid, I get to travel, see my family, contribute at work, be a good friend, a good wife, a good dober-mom... I am very blessed. Not every day was perfect, I didn't handle everything as well as I wanted to, but I did learn a lot and I definitely improved personally and professionally over the course of the year. For that, I am truly grateful.

Alright, work is calling. Happy last Friday of 2016, friends.

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