Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14

This morning I went to get a new driver's license and I put 160 as my weight. My goal is to be below that number before my birthday this year, about six months away. Actually not so much to get to the number as to have a transformation similar to the girl in these photos!

Steps for today:

B: egg, 1/2 cup Fage 2% yogurt, 1/2 cup blueberries, coffee with 2% milk

L: salad with a protein. Whole foods? *Anthony's salad and side of 2 meatballs

S: 12 almonds, 1 cup grapes *yes almonds, but no grapes. Add a mini babybel light and the roasted sweet potatoes.

D: one chicken enchilada, steamed broccoli, roasted sweet potatoes  *no broccoli, also sweet potatoes were a snack. Add salad with tomatoes, cucumber, onions. Side of 1/2 cup black beans. 

S: pineapple, maybe some chocolate chips *yes, and a sip of Sambucca

E: swim *no workout. Did walk the dog 30 minutes.

Daily Motivation: This photo. I have no idea who she is but she was on The Berry's Daily Motivation website today. I am working toward a similar change in appearance for myself over the next 6 months. (Bonus, I already own the "after" hat!!)

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