Monday, October 17, 2016

because you will talk yourself out of it

These days, I make a plan and stick to the plan. I have to, because as a Totally Mindless Eater, I will just go right back up the scale. During a meeting a few months back, someone told me these wise words:"Don't think about it, just do it." 

TRUTH! Everything related to weight loss is really not something you need to think about, it's just something you need to do. If I think about it, I will talk myself into or out of whatever I'm thinking about. So I just make my plan, and when I am halfway through my day and going "Hm, should I actually do this?" I stop myself, remind myself of the plan and just do it.

Today I went and erged at lunch, pulled 6K in 28:22 doing minute on, minute off. It was HARD and I was TIRED and I totally did not want to do it, but I did it. Helps that a project deadline got pushed back, too.

I also decided to take some time for me and sign up for a writer's workshop, it starts tonight. And I have planned to be able to enjoy a slice of the green chile apple pie that Mr. Blueberry Pancakes and I made last night. YUM.

Off to go DO!

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