Friday, March 3, 2017

looking for the flowers - 177.2

Or in this case, the beautiful view on my ride to and from the job site this week. The whole flight was one long sweeping vista just like this, and I was lucky to witness it.

So after my last post the universe kept going toward MORE chaos. I got a call from my aunt that night. She was worried about my mom and asking me to do something about it - this was the day after my Grandma called to say the same. I am so far from my mom and I really am sorry I'm not closer to her where I can easily jump in to help. But I called my mom and we talked and she's ok - good, even! I offered to fly her out here for Mother's Day so that she has something to look forward to in the near future. I really hope she comes!

And then things started to settle. The plumbing problem got fixed. I chipped away at my work projects. I worked out and ate as I planned. And then yesterday I got *a lot* done for work. I feel better about the project, but still concerned. I'm basically just doing as I am told. It will be ok.

Work held a barbecue at lunch one day this week - I am still fairly mindless when it comes to barbecues. Like, I just forget about goals entirely and fill up my plate. I would like to work on being conscious and pausing before I do that.

Lent began on Wednesday, I am sugar free until Easter. I reach for sugar often, so it's actually a nice reminder how blessed I am and to consider that so many people do not even have a sugary thing to eat, if they wished - I can sacrifice for forty days.

This morning I went to my WW meeting up by the office. I did stick to my goals all week (despite the bbq fluke) and lost 1.2 pounds. Was it easy? Not really, but keeping my WHY in the forefront of my mind did help.

Sister comes this weekend, and DH and I are planning to get our first ski day in. I am EXCITED! I also think that tonight we should go dancing - seems like a much better way of burning calories than spending time on the erg. :)

Bottom line for this week: someone once said "If you're standing in a field, you can look for the weeds and bugs, or you can look for the flowers, it's up to you what you see." This week I have been actively looking for the flowers. That shift is helping many areas of my life.

Happy Friday!

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