Tuesday, February 28, 2017

utter chaos

This too shall pass. Work projects have blown up. Plumbing problem, finish construction project, sign up for BikeMS, bills, family stress, husband stress, trying to lose weight in the middle of it all. Deep breaths. I'm just writing it all down here quickly to make my plan of attack.

House - almost done. Need to order shelves and schedule Jim to finish. So close. You have a lot of work to do, but honestly there is NO RUSH to get it done. Maybe call Vivax the week of March 20 to get a quote for painting upstairs. So, after you call Jim today, just leave it alone until then.

Work - Gearboxes Module 2 will be 75% complete this week, leaving us all next week for Module 3. Second Oracle Overtime video project... tbd how that will go, but talking with Kathy on Thursday about it. Also need to put together info for PMP certification. Will do that Friday 3/3.

Bills - currently paid. Stop stressing. You don't need to spend any money this week. Just don't, other than ordering shelves for bath.

Mom - nothing you can do, honestly, but call her at night.

Husband - you had the chat about "shutting it down" and how you are sorry, stop worrying about it. You're going to spin together tonight and having a nice dinner. Enjoy. Wednesday is another day and now that you'll have things worked out a little in your head, you can enjoy the time with him.

Weight loss - the really excellent thing is, my WHY is saving me and keeping me focused on losing weight. I pre-track. I stick to it - so far for three days in a row. Even with pizza and burgers. GO ME! You can have it all, just not at the same time, and just a little planning goes a long way.

Alright. Here goes, first a call to the contractor to discuss the house, then more on Module 2 development. I really am stressed out and feel that things are utterly chaotic. Determined to stick to my whys...

HAPPY MARDI GRAS! With all that is going on, I didn't plan any Mardi celebrations. Well, laissez les bon temps roulez. :)

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