Friday, February 24, 2017

what's your why - 178.4

Today's WW meeting was the first I've been to in a month (I'm up 2 pounds) and it was incredibly interesting. First, the normal leader was not there so we had a sub. I vaguely remembered seeing her before, but it wasn't until she told the story of her bike accident and having to have her jaw wired shut three years ago that I really remembered who she was! I like her a lot, because, well, BIKER... and she's also very funny and easy to relate to. Anyhow, she talked about "finding your why" and shared her why, which was that she wanted to be the best cyclist she could be.

And I thought about the BikeMS ride that I wanted to sign up for... the pic here is me doing it last year, it was a LOT of fun - look how HAPPY I am! I hadn't signed up for this year's ride yet. And I thought about the Gourmet Classic bike ride in Santa Fe this fall. I kind of wanted to do that ride, too. So I thought, well I want to do these two fun bike rides and yes, they're difficult but also fully supported and super fun. And then I thought - there is my why. I want to ride these rides with EASE. I want to pedal right up those hills like it's nothing, while I'm enjoying the scenery and food and cookies and all that comes with it, but I want to be able to do it EASILY - like I'm just toolin' around God's Country on my bike with some friends.

So I went and signed up to do the BikeMS ride this June. I also looked at signing up for the Gourmet Classic - registration is not open yet, but I put the date on my calendar. And BAM just like that, I have my why and am working toward it! I am so happy I went to the meeting today. :)

Happy Friday, Friends!

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