Monday, April 1, 2019

new beginnings

So, I quit my job last month. Boss did it again, HR ambush, coworker lying about me... I gave it 24 hours before I turned in my two weeks notice. Best decision I ever made, after marrying Patrick.

I don't have another job lined up, but I have an awesome job on the horizon. My last round of interviews is this week. I never, ever would have had the confidence to go for this job if I hadn't worked with a friend of my sister's to get things in order. He helped me realize I am, indeed, AWESOME. And it helps that one of my most favorite professionals is currently working as a consultant at the company, and recommended me for the job. He knows me, he knows them, this is a win for everyone. I can't believe I'm a candidate. But then, I see how I'm exactly the RIGHT candidate. So that is great news.

I gained 5 pounds over Christmas/New Year's. I have not yet lost it. I've been doing things like drinking more than one drink a day, eating snacks even though I know I'm over calories. To be 100% honest, though, I think it is a real win that during this terribly stressful 6 months with the work situation, if I only gained 5 pounds, well, that is a real WIN. But. I have a goal now:

I want to be back in my WW goal weight range (176) by Good Friday. That is 19 days from now. 1.5 pounds per week. I can absolutely do that.

Time for chores, and then shopping for my interview attire. I can actually wear something I already have, I think, so I may just go shopping in my own closet. :)

So. Happy spring, I'm excited for new things. New job (whether or not I get the one I'm going for, how I spend my weekdays is NEW) and healthier me. I'll be posting soon about the good questions to ask myself for improvements, but like I said a moment ago, time for chores.

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