Friday, April 19, 2019

baby steps - 177.8

So first, the weight here is the weight on my own bathroom scale. I'll take it, as I definitely went over my allotted calories in snacks and wine on my trip. But the real point of this post is...

Let us acknowledge how well I handled the family departure, and all the emotions that came with it. Nephew Buddy was SO CUTE as we were saying goodbye - he said "I will miss you more than anyone, and I wish you could live here, in my house. Wouldn't that be awesome?" Yes, my Buddy, it would. (I mean, your parents may not be thrilled with that arrangement... but hey, we could play a lot more!) And of course, Baby Fat Thing and her smiles are just so sweet! And then my mom and brother, both wanted to take me over to the airport, and brother did it even though he spent ALL DAY sitting in traffic already. My HEART.

So, Brother drops me off at the airport, I go check in, and I start crying, so I head to the bathroom where I can really cry it out. I did. I was so, so sad. I hate leaving them. But I know that I get to come home to Mr. Blueberry Pancakes and Dober Love, and I know that I'm only quite so sad about leaving the others behind because there really is great love there, and that's a good thing. So I dried my tears and went to get to the gate, and pick up some dinner for me to eat on the trip home.

Um, there was also a lot of worry, here - the trip home was likely to be extremely bumpy, due to a big weather system between TPA and DEN. No getting around it, just hope we can fly high enough over it to minimize the turbulence. So I was nervous/anxious about that.

Sadness. Nervousness. Anxiety. Definitely feelings which are NOT the type to give you warm fuzzies. I checked out the food options in the terminal, and bought a salad for dinner because I WILL NOT EAT MY FEELINGS. I think the emotions actually did a number on my appetite, I really wasn't hungry. I did eat some of the salad, which was mostly lettuce and a sprinkle of other veggies, topped with a sliver of salami and a wisp of cheese. But what a win over emotional eating. Yay, me.

The flight was fairly uneventful and actually, Steel Magnolias was the movie I chose, because well I love that movie and haven't seen it in years, and my mom had JUST mentioned it that afternoon, how weird! I was so happy to see Mr. Blueberry Pancakes and Doggy Love, they picked me up (literally and physically!) So life goes on. Proof that yes, I can have the emotions, and carry on without eating the feelings.

Today I'm 177.8, I will go to WW at 9:30. Then sister and I will make Easter bread together. YES! Better get a move on for my day, I suppose :)

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