Monday, January 16, 2017

what are you willing to change

All that extra weight from Christmas cookies and champagne is gone now, so that's good. I really am ok with putting on five pounds in a week, then working to take them off over the next two weeks. That is something I can live with forever.

I've started to assess what I can change - really change for good - in order to get to goal. I've started running again (once a week) but I eat back the calories; that needs to change. I am hungry a lot more often, so want to give up snacks... but then, I think I just need to make sure I have healthy snack options around the house/office at all times. I also should cut back on sugar unless it is a really special occasion. Not give it up totally, but no need to grab the Starbursts or other candies in the office 'just because.' Be mindful.

I think "don't eat back the calories" is the biggest change to be made. And the healthy snacks thing is a close second. Off the top of my head, here is a list of snacks I could keep around:

- almonds
- fruit (apples, bananas)
- PB2
- chopped veggies and hummus
- roasted veggies - beets, sweet potatoes, broccoli
- light cheese

The problem is I love the unhealthy snacks - candy, pretzels, chex mix, etc and if I have it around, I want to eat it. Though perhaps it is the absence of healthy snacks which may be the real problem.

So, I will change my snacks, and work toward not eating back all of the calories. Or maybe just freaking DECIDE not to eat back the calories! Happy Monday....

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