Tuesday, January 17, 2017

snack attack

After yesterday's post, I went to the store and got a lot of healthy snacks. Dinner was already planned, I didn't have to shop for that, but I also grabbed some veggies we can use for meals the rest of the week. And then I went home and put everything away, and ate a spoonful of peanut butter. And a handful of cheerios. And the last of the Chex mix my friend made. And a Babybel. And some chocolate-covered granola bites. And some more cheerios... and some raisins. And then I got mad at myself as I ate another spoon of peanut butter. And then I stopped and thought "What the heck is happening, here?"

Looking back on the day:

I was hungry before the snack attack. My lunch, 5 hours earlier, consisted only of some broccoli and a bowl of soup. I was low on calories. Solution: better lunches. Or, a better afternoon snack.

I was upset. Having my sister flit in and out on the weekends is stressful. I am still coming to terms with her moving here, I don't like having roommate-type house guests. Solution: next time they are in town I will ask if they can stay with one of their friends or at their own place.

I was stressed - work stress and house construction stress took over my entire week last week. I hate that the house is such a wreck, too. Solution: redirect that stressful energy into doing something constructive to solve the problem - like clean up your resume or work on going through the boxes in the basement. This will be difficult to actually execute... but if I can focus on solving the actual problem, it will help in several ways.

I was unhappy - all these upsets and stress and it being a crappy Monday back to work were definitely not helping my mood. Solution: I knew I was unhappy. I should have sat with the feeling, let it happen, and let it pass. Sadness is part of life. Perhaps next time if I feel I can't 'sit with the feeling' I can phone a friend or family member and talk it out so that I can move on. I felt a lot better after talking with Mr. Blueberry Pancakes.

I really wish I hadn't wrecked myself yesterday, but no sense lamenting the past - just learn from it. Today things are better - my mood has not improved much, but I am back on track and I have the night planned out. I won't pretend I'm not worried about another snack attack but I do have a plan, an end goal, and a little more awareness and understanding to help me through this evening.

I can do this... by changing one little mindset at a time....

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