Friday, January 27, 2017

January - 175.6

I can't believe the month is almost over. But check this out - I don't need to undo the buttons/zipper anymore to take off or put on my tan dress pants that I have had for, well, forever! Go, me!!! Kinda makes it OK that I'm up a pound this week. Actually, the hell with the scale, I can remove my dress pants without undoing the buttons/zipper. WOOT!

We leave for Uruguay next week and I'm trying to get stuff together and pack, etc. Funny thing is, now all my summer clothes either fit really well or are TOO BIG - AWESOME! I am super excited to go on this trip. It's only 4 days on the beach, and there is a wedding, a bbq and a sightsee day in there, so not much time for lounging... But I need a break and it's going to be a lot of fun, and I really can't wait to go! Today I woke up and realized I'm getting a cold. I DO NOT want to be sick while I'm in Uruguay, so lots of rest, garlic soup, veggies, etc. are on the docket for the weekend. I really need to pack and get things in line for the trip. I do have *SOME* idea what I need to do, but less than a week to do it - OY! Deep breaths, pants are too big, smile.

I am beginning a serious evaluation of whether it is OK for me to stay at my current job, long-term. I think I know the answer, but I plan to go through a book called Designing the Life You Love - while I am gone. That should give me some clarity. I have been perusing what is out there. Not applying, just looking.

And that's that. Yay, big pants and Uruguay trip!

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