Friday, May 20, 2016

180.2 and this week

I'm doing a little better than I thought. I even ate sfogliatelle and lost weight. On average, I lost a pound per week over the last 3 weeks. Go me.

The plan is to keep this going through August.

I think it's important that I recognize my ability to subconsciously do what I need to do. I didn't track but I did listen to my body. I ate what I wanted, but only what felt right. I split a lot of things with Mr. Blueberry Pancakes. I ate slowly and enjoyed the food and the people I shared it with. As a result, I'm near my 'comfortable' weight - the weight it doesn't take a lot of effort to stay at.

I do think I'll need to step it up to get below this point. After being at the gym Monday, I was too tired the rest of the week. But I'm caught up now and feel like I can do the work.

Being MINDFUL about my food choices worked for me. And now, to carry it forward through the summer....

Weight is according to Weight Watchers. My own scale said 177.8.  

Monday, May 16, 2016

morning workout

I'm back in the Land of the Living. Went to Philly on Thurs. to visit my Grandma and have a 20-year reunion for my Dad Vail's medal. We walked a lot, thank goodness, because of course we ate a lot. I did... poorly with food, overall. But I decided that when I get back I'm getting up and doing MORNING WORKOUTS, so that's what I did today! This pic is of me on the way home, after I did my 30 minute Schuykill-inspired erg workout. Nothing crazy, just 30 minutes with 5 1-minute-on pieces throughout the last 10 minutes. I'm using this week to get myself used to doing morning workouts. I almost didn't go, but then I said GET OUT OF BED and I got dressed and I'm happy I made it to the gym!

B: egg, 1 oz. cheese, 1/2 a big orange

S: almonds (16ish)

L: A grandma sandwich. Roll, cold cuts, cheese, veggies, oil and vinegar

S: A small lemon cookie from Testa's bakery.

D: TBD I think we're going out.

What do I think of this? It's... a start. I don't want to waste food, so I won't. I'll also be a good bit healthier after today, back to the basics of real food, less alcohol, etc. Will watch it on dinner. I do want to be in better shape before heading abroad... and for Danielle's wedding.

The good thing about being away was I didn't really drink at all. Just wine with meals, and maybe 6 oz at a time at the most.

I do have a caffeine addiction. I am cutting back, starting today.

I am so happy to be healthy!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

still sick... sort of...

Yesterday I woke up with pink eye in BOTH eyes. Sheesh kabeeshka! I went to the dr, and today I'm still home because I have crazy zombie eyes. I hope the drops start kicking in soon... oh yeah this comes on the heels of the laryngitis I had this weekend. This is just a really crazy sick run and I'm ready to be feeling GREAT again!

As for weight loss, I can't say I'm focused on that this week. I am making pretty good food choices, though I've had a lot of extra sugar with all the honey/lemon drinks and frozen yogurt. I think whatever happens on the scale (whichever way it goes) would just be a sickness-related anomaly anyhow. If I'm burning any extra calories, it's due to laundry and errands. That's the extent of my exercise.

Right now I'm just focusing on getting better. Truly, that's all I want to do. Dr. said I'm clear to go to work, etc - that I'm contagious, but just be conscious. He also said I can travel. Guess we'll see how I do today and tomorrow.

Friday, May 6, 2016


I've been sick since Wednesday. Bad cold. Terrible sore throat. :( Missed 2 days of work. On the plus side, got to watch the full 5-hour Pride and Prejudice. Colin Firth makes it all better.

Today is the first day I feel like maybe I'm on the mend.

Zero workouts, zero meal planning. I have been hungry. Trying to eat on the "more well" side of the spectrum.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

almonds over pop tarts

Cheerios for breakfast = you're gonna be hungry.

I keep almonds at work. Just now, I chose to eat THEM over the strawberry Pop-Tarts down in our break room vending machine. Go, me.

I'm sick. DH and I both have colds which started showing up Saturday. Mine is worse, right now but we're pretty much on the same path. My throat hurts, I'm exhausted and there is so much snot. But I still get hungry, whatever that means.

Plan today... just hang in there. Truly. I didn't bring a lunch. I have no idea what I'll have for dinner.

My pants are tight. It's not good. But at the moment I feel too badly to do anything at all about it. I really just want some chicken soup and a very, very long nap.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

183.2 and last week

So I had a total stay, exact same weight, last week. I'll take this as a win because it was an extremely stressful work week (late nights to get a project done) and I did a good job overall keeping myself in check. It was definitely an opportunity to PRACTICE making good decisions under duress... sometimes I did well, sometimes I did not, my end result was I was the same weight, I'll take it.

Now back to losing. Sort of. See, after the awesome week, I didn't do well Friday or yesterday. It's like I just needed a real break so I ate mexican food, pizza, a burger, ice cream... all fine things, but all in the same 48 hours? Yikes! Time to get back on the bus. You like where it's going and you like how you feel when you're on it, so, all aboard.

Tonight DH and I are going out for our anniversary. I'm so happy I married him. :)

4 small homemade blueberry pancakes, 2 tbsp real maple syrup, coffee with 1% milk.

L: TBD (high veggies, healthy!!)

D: TBD (healthy!!)