Monday, September 10, 2012

the first step is the hardest

I went to the gym tonight. Yes, THIS is a Big Announcement. I did not want to go. My fabulous Marito did not want to go, either. He said I could go without him. [Not that he is the dictator of what I can do, he just didn't want to go.]

So I went on my own, and I am so glad I did!

I did the upper body workout of the Body For Life [I call it Body For Liz or BFL] training program, which I have had great success with in the past. In fact, it is what got me into weight lifting. I don't love to lift weights, but I *DO* love the results you get, so that is plenty of motivation for me. (It's all about the vanity.) If you really want to change the way your body looks, training with heavy weights is definitely the way to do so the fastest. My body looks best when I spend 70% of my workout time weight training and only 30% doing cardio. YES, you read that right!

In any case, the BFL lift was the perfect thing for me to do tonight. Marito hates those workouts but I love 'em. I think I'm going to just suck it up and do the program - the workout part of it, anyhow. The food part is difficult, and I'm not ready for that just yet. One thing at a time!

Making it to the gym and getting a good weights workout in has left me feeling a lot more optimistic about how I look because now I feel like I'm working on it, on me, that is...

Tomorrow's workout is a run with the tri club. 3 mile time trial. Oh, joy. Have a great night!


Body for Life is a program created by Bill Philips. If you would like more info, check out or go to the library and actually check out the book Body For Life
by Bill Philips. Great info!

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