Thursday, September 20, 2012

scale shenanigans

Dear Scale,

I would love to say that your behavior this morning was entirely your fault, but
you and I have had a relationship long enough (and consistent enough) that I know I cannot blame it solely on you.

While I would love to believe I did everything perfectly this past week, if I look back at what I did and what I ate, I can see things I can improve for the coming week which will make our interactions have a much more positive outcome.

That being said, I'm not taking all the blame for what happened between us this morning. I am acutely aware that I can't trust what you tell me the day after I eat anything with tomato sauce, and given that I had a slice of pizza for lunch yesterday, I know I can only take what you said today with a grain of salt. So I am going to forgive you for your antics this morning.

I still plan to see you again next week. I know you will continue to provide feedback on my weight loss journey, and since I know we are going to be friends for a long time, I'm giving you a pass this week for your behavior. I promise I will also work to improve mine.

No hard feelings. We'll be back to normal next time, I'm sure.

With Love,

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