Tuesday, May 2, 2017

It's gonna be MAY!

I want to set the tone for this month... I lost almost six pounds in March. I lost another 0.4 pounds in April - which, though small, proves that I can keep the weight off and that I can continue losing weight. So, I'm inspired to work for the same success in MAY that I had in March. And if that happens, guess what? I'm at WW goal weight. Six pounds  and AT WW GOAL WEIGHT - when will that happen? It's gonna be MAY!

OK so jokes aside, clearly April was difficult for me. But I hung in there. I did it. I didn't get as far as I wanted, but I still got down.  But it was hard. It still is hard. Last night I wanted to eat everything. EVERYTHING! But I really am trying to focus on shifting behavior - it's not an easy process. For example, I planned in a cookie, as long as I mowed the lawn. Well, DH was out there mowing the lawn when I got home. So I took the dog on a long walk, which still didn't cover the calories for the cookie, and I was really hungry after eating dinner. I wanted the cookie. I had some peanut butter and a slice of bread (not planned). And then I had the cookie. And it was delicious, but I was MAD the whole time, because I was so over my calories.

And then I realized, that is not how I want to live. I really should have pushed off the cookie to today, after spin. Or I can say I'm borrowing the calories from Spin Day. Something. This is where I'm learning what to do, how to handle things. It's the example that is happening in real life. Some day I hope to just go "no, I don't want that" and really mean that - really, not want it! But for now I have to pretend. And it's hard to pretend you don't want something that you really DO want.

What I can say is, I DO want my six pounds to be gone by the end of May. I can sing NSync songs all day to get there. Ha, perhaps I need to include that stuff into my rotation on Pandora! So with that... it's gonna gonna gonna GONNA.... IT'S GONNA BE MAY!

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