Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day - 168.8

I was 168.8 on Thursday morning. I am eating MORE food... and lost 2.6 pounds according to WW last week. I love everything I am eating.

Here is what I wrote to Kirsten about it last week:

So after the first week, the scale says I am down almost 3 pounds (!!!) my skin looks extra fantastic and I still feel great. I did have chips and margaritas on Cinco de Mayo... and it was glorious.

Otherwise, I've been pretty well nailing the 1500 calories and the ratios. This is a stressful week with a work project and family in town but overall I feel great, and the food part isn't an issue.

By the way, I LOVE everything I eat. Lots more veggies and avocados, adding seeds to my fruit and greek yogurt at breakfast, using zoodles and spaghetti squash instead of pasta. Patrick loves everything, too! 

So, so far so good. Thank you so much. :)  Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Mother's Day!


PS not that the number on the scale matters but I was only ever 168 pounds for ONE WEEK in my adult life... the week I got married, six years ago... so this is amazing. And I'm eating more food, and feel a lot better overall now than I did then, I am SURE of it!

The funny thing is, I found a journal after I wrote this. I was so obsessed about THE NUMBER for so long. And I was measuring my worth by what the scale said. It made me sad to read, but also very grateful that I hold myself in much higher regard today. :)

My mom came out for Mother's Day. It was the best Mother's Day I have had. And she said it was the best she had, too. It's a weird day. I can appreciate it's a day for all the moms out there. It's sad for those who aren't moms but wanted to be, or who lost a child or their mom, or are navigating difficult relationships with their kids or their moms. For me, I am grateful I have my mother and was able to spend the day with her. What a gift for both of us!

I was a little off track for the weekend but it all worked out, I think. I still feel good. Spin class was cancelled last night so I erged instead and I am planning to leave work early to get a bike ride in this evening before dinner. I am doing the work. It is paying off.

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