Wednesday, February 2, 2022

real change - 183.6

I quit my 9 to 5. Or my 7 to 9, as the case ended up being. The bottom line is I didn't like what I was doing, and more importantly who I was becoming, and while I did my best to change the situation and set my boundaries, in the end, there was no solution other than to leave. That was a month ago.

So what's next? More focus on my health and wellness. Me. Being a better wife, friend, daughter, mentor, human. Getting at what makes me happy, so I can be filled with joy and gratitude, rather than irritation and despair. This is not an overnight process.

Steps I'm taking, in no particular order: 

  • New part time job as a WW Coach. 
  • Regular workouts. 
  • Decluttering and organizing my house.
  • More contact with people I love. 
  • Provide support for people I love, who need it.
  • Spend more time doing things I love.
  • Trusting God to provide what I need, and what my family needs, as he always has.
The last step is clearly the most important.

I have made a promise to myself to be at a healthy weight (*actually* healthy) by my birthday this year. I'm 30 pounds from that mark, today. I am happy that with Covid, I have managed to stay relatively even, my gain is really only 5% of my body weight. But to lose 30 pounds, that is roughly 20% of my body weight. This is a big change, which is also not an overnight process, but is absolutely doable. I did this before, I can do it again. I know what to do, I know I have had success in the past and I know I will do it this time. I don't know how I know, but I know. Ha, maybe see the last bullet point above!!

 So how will I do this? It starts with little healthy changes I can live with. I already track. Now to get serious and weigh/measure again. Also, incorporate reduced snacking (or at least IMPROVED snacking!) and regular workouts. These things are happening. Focus on my behaviors and their impacts. This time, the mentality - this WILL happen, because I CAN do this!

With that, I'm off to declutter, workout, and train for my new job. Little steps toward becoming the HEALTHIEST ME I can be! :)

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