Wednesday, June 29, 2016

the fog

It's not everywhere, but it is definitely over "there" a lot. My job is the city, shrouded in fog but just like this photo, it's beautiful over in Sausalito. I'll be fine if I can keep in mind that it's usually foggier in the city, and remember not to spend too much time there.

Doing a lunchtime ride today... kind of my very own day trip to Sausalito. ;)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Colorado BikeMS

I did half of the Colorado BikeMS 2-day ride this weekend. 66 miles on a bike, which I believe is my farthest distance yet, by one mile! It was a really fun ride, very well supported and I was with lots of friends. I forgot how much fun it was to ride with other people!

I love this photo of me at the finish. I was really happy with how I did. It was just a beautiful, fun day and I had a really nice ride. And then when I finally looked at the pics, I couldn't believe how overweight I looked in all of them - until I saw this one, and I was like "Oh my gosh, is that really ME? How did you make me look so thin in it?!?!"

So. Yeah. The ride was easy. Truly, I barely felt like I was trying. Totally could have ridden back the second day, but was happy to just hang out with Mr. Blueberry Pancakes for a few hours.

There's a lot of life stress going on at the moment. It sort of led me to make poor decisions on Saturday, despite my major bike ride. In the end I did ok. I did recognize it as it happened, and started tracking, and moved on with better decisions overall. It is amazing how much you can eat if you aren't paying attention. For a little bit, I consciously chose not to pay attention, but I don't want to do that anymore.

I'm so happy I did this ride, and I can't wait to do it again next year!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Before the Ride

I'm down a few pounds from where I was when I said I wanted to be lighter for the Bike MS ride! That is something.

I have been tracking WW style for two weeks. It's been good. I've been drinking a LOT less alcohol since starting to track. I've also been a lot more mindful and conscious of what I am eating. This is now a priority, rather than an afterthought with a "hope for the best!" mentality. DH and I have been trying to save money so have been eating in a lot, which has helped my WW efforts.

I kind of feel like I'm going to get to goal this summer. Like, there's no "clutter" or things to get in my way, I'm not really thinking about it, I'm just doing it. I can actually see my goal and I want to take (and am taking!) the steps to get there. That's been missing for a while. I am pretty sure that going to meetings and tracking has helped. I also have a "summer sticker sheet" inside my bathroom cabinet. It's a nice visual and a way to keep me (literally) focused on my goals.

I guess I feel that it's now out there in the universe and it's just gonna happen. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

the birth of venus

The Botticelli painting... my body resembles hers. I find this interesting.

My clothes are tight and I'm not loving how I look in them. My weight is the same. I'm not exactly in a space where I'm doing anything about this, though I have been to the gym for weights and spin already this week, and am operating on "whole food consciousness" where I try to just eat real food. (I allow dark chocolate and black licorice, too...)

I'd like to be lighter for the MS150 ride, and also want to fit nicely into my clothes. Weights workouts and eating well will do this by the end of June...