Thursday, June 8, 2017

distinct change - 169.8

So when I stared the N2F plans laid out for me, I pretty much dropped 5 pounds without thinking about it. I have basically stalled out there, as far as the scale is concerned. I will own that I consumed a LOT more alcohol in the ATL over Memorial Day weekend, so that definitely had something to do with it. But lately I am realizing that my clothes are all getting loose and I look really frumpy in them. My body makeup is definitely changing, whether or not the number on the scale is.

Here are a few recent highlights:

  • I spent an afternoon with some foodie friends, and we went to lunch at a great little pizza place. I didn't order pizza for myself. I had a large salad, and a bite of their pizza. And it was awesome.
  • This past weekend DH and I rode up Lookout Mountain, a 2100 foot climb, and went to the pancake breakfast fundraiser at the fire station on top of the mountain. I had two pancakes of the three I was given, the third went to DH.
  • I went to a bbq and did not eat all of the things. I DID have a delicious root beer float - it was glorious and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I moved on.
  • I got several "Oh my GOD! You look AMAZING!" compliments and questions about what I was doing. I even said it to myself one morning, looking in the mirror. :)
  • My new black work pants from Ann Taylor Loft are kind of big in the waist. I really like these pants and they weren't exactly cheap... so... I will probably need to alter them. I realize this is a good problem to have!
  • I went shopping in this adorable clothing boutique. I bought myself $200 worth of new clothes to go with my new body. I haven't spent a lot of money on clothes lately, other than those AT pants, so this felt oddly special. 💖💖💖

So that's how it's going. I am on my bike a lot more. I am sticking to my recommended calories and macros, regardless of how much time I spend on the bike. I still feel great. I still look great. I LOVE the "OMG you look amazing!" comments. Seriously - I can't wait to get more of them in July when I go see friends and family in Florida. But the best part is, for maybe the first time ever, I really feel like I look amazing. I feel amazing. I am happy. I am healthy. I thank God.

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