Sunday, November 17, 2019

Normalcy, parties and inspiration - 177

Well that just goes to show it's never really as bad as you think it is. I went to a WW meeting last week. I was dreading the scale. I was 179.4. YESSSSSSS! That's the right decade, and I had really worked at it so I was very happy (and surprised) to see the number. And then Saturday I stepped on my bathroom scale to see I was 177. Feeling like me again. Also feeling like I absolutely cannot skip my daily workouts, 6 out of 7 days. Like Nike says, I have to JUST DO IT. It's interesting, in the WW materials for their new program(s) rollout, there's a stat in there from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services that regular activity is the single best predictor for who will keep weight off after losing it. So that's pretty good motivation.

We went to a party last night at Sister's new place. I had 3 drinks in the 4 hours we were there. I honestly didn't eat a ton of food and I tracked it all, but still ended up spending 30 points (basically a day's worth) while there. I'm treating it like a dry run, like I did pretty well overall, and I know that I need about 30 points if I'm going to indulge. It was a very good baseline. The needle for a party can probably go up or down, but at least I have a starting point.

Toward the end of the night their old neighbors stopped by. They're super nice, and they had just gone on a date so they looked fantastic, both of them. As we were all talking I realized that she's my rabbit - like that's what I'm chasing. She looked great, just healthy and fit and a good medium build, and it was kind of inspiring to see her and think "wow, I'm on my way to looking like that." Don't get me wrong I am happy with how I look now, but it's good to know that I'm on the path. And I kind of want to give myself the present of the healthiest version of me by Christmas. So that's what I am going to do.

With that, I'm off to get my regular activity for the day. Oh yeah, I also got a bad haircut yesterday, which is disappointing. I will try to live with it for a week to see if it really is bad. If I'm not happy by next weekend, I'll give her a call to see what we can do.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

On success, failure and 18X

I didn't want to post anything at all, because there is an 8 in the wrong place. And, I have no idea what the X is. 

But can I just for a minute say that I am super proud of myself. I am so grateful that I stood up and left my last job. I don't regret it one bit. And thank God for the terrible experience - truly, because it did make me stronger. Last week in my "new" job, I laid out the plan for a big initiative, and we pitched it to our VP. According to my boss and director, we got the best possible reaction from him. We have to run it by the partner groups involved, and then he'll take it to our CEO/CFO for approval. It's a million dollar project. My boss thanked me over and over for the great job, and made sure everyone knew I laid it out. I couldn't have done it without help. I did a lot of the work, yes, but I had a lot of help, too. That's why it was so good. And I am just so very grateful for the opportunity. This really is the hardest and best job I ever had. And six months in I'm starting to get it. I see what we need. I see where I can help. I see our strengths and weaknesses as a group, and my own strengths and weaknesses. This really was one of the best weeks of my working life, and I want to acknowledge it.

So, I am at least 5 lbs over goal. I don't want to face the scale. I don't want to work at it. But I don't want to let it go. I think I NEED to face the scale. I need to take it all in, head on. Which means, I'm gonna go look up a meeting right now.

Happy November. Here's to 17X by the end of it.