Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Let's be real for a moment | 175 (?)

I know I stepped on the scale this morning but I can't remember the number. And honestly, who cares, because my perfect-as-is body carried me over 2500 vertical feet (and 12 miles, round-trip) up a mountain pass this past weekend. We did THE wildflower walk up West Maroon Pass. It was glorious. The photo does it very little justice. But for some perspective, we started way back in the  bottom of the trees you can't even see from this viewpoint. This hike really is a long walk through a field of dreams.

I desperately needed something spectacular like this, as I have been slipping further and further into the Must Get Work Done trap. The work honeymoon IS OVER. This  job is certainly not what it was pitched to me as (and my friend has acknowledged that and apologized profusely for it, despite that not being his fault). So, that's the 'lets be real' piece. And without disclosing any details, let's just say I have had ample time to evaluate how the group operates, and I really don't think the environment resonates with how my soul thrives. But the wildflowers - OH! How those helped to give me some clarity on my next steps!

Funny thing about the hike - my limiting factor, physically, was my freaking toenails. I wanted to absolutely RIP THEM OFF during the last 2 miles. (We had to tack on an extra 2 miles each way, due to snowpack on the road to the trail - meaning our 8-ish mile roundtrip turned into a 12.5 miler.) I think my shoes are slightly too big, and I didn't have them laced tightly enough so on the downhills my toes just slammed into the front of the shoes. The pain was excruciating that last mile. I tried to focus on the pretty as I side stepped the downhills. There were some tears. I promised whichever toenails held out that I would give them a grand pedicure - so that's on the docket for tomorrow.

In any case, I did make it back to goal weight in July, and weighed in there again for August. Here it is almost September and I'm... just doing what I need to do to keep it here and keep it real for this last month of summer.
