Sunday, May 12, 2019

it's time - 180.6

It's time to just get it done. I'm on my way. Scale is - obviously - up, but that just means I'm 180.6 pounds of awesome. Right? Right!

Speaking of awesome, New Job is AWESOME. I love my group. I genuinely like what I do. I'm good at it. I'm valued. One guy said he used to dread coming in to work, but his outlook has really turned around since I've been there. Ha, seeing that typed is surreal... so please, allow me to LET THAT SINK IN. *That* is what I do. That is the effect I have on others. THAT. And it is all the reward I need.

Yesterday DH and I did a ride up in Boulder. It was SO HARD. But guess what, 30 miles, we did it, and I'm not sore today, and I feel like YES I can do the MS Ride at the end of June. Muscle memory is a thing. Oh, and more muscle memory - while I do love New Job, it's terrifying and there is a lot and it's overwhelming and... and... and... it's funny how much I forgot but it's also amazing HOW MUCH I REMEMBER. More muscle memory. But yes, back to the bike ride. We did a computrainer ride on Thursday, which basically just scared the crap out of me that I will never ever be in shape to do the MS Ride, and then honestly the first five miles of yesterday's bike ride pretty much confirmed that... and then I was warmed up and it was ok. And then we finished the ride and I was like "Yep, I'm good to go!" Doesn't mean I won't be doing quite a few training rides between now and June 27th.

I'm having fits over which way I should track - WW, or calories/macros. I know the real answer is, it doesn't matter, because I have to change how I'm doing things. WHAT I am tracking is way more important than HOW. I'm working on that, and the progress is slow, but it's progress. I have all kinds of goals - to be at goal by Memorial Day (nope) to be in the 160s for the ride in June (uhhh probably nope) but the reality is, I'm fine where I am, I'm working toward it, I'm doing the best I can and I honestly really like ME just as I am. So yes, if I want to get a little thinner, ok, but I'm also good RIGHT HERE. Except it would be really nice not to pay $45/month for WW. So maybe we can at least get rid of the four pounds so that it's free again. But there's no expiration date on that goal. I'll just work toward it, and it will happen.

Happy Sunday, friends. Oh, happy Mother's Day. Just take it as a wish for a nice day. :)
