Saturday, August 25, 2018

August is nearly over - 172.2

Mr. Blueberry Pancakes and I did an Olympic Triathlon in Steamboat Springs on August 12th. 1.2 mile swim, 25(ish) mile bike, then a 10K run. It took me three hours and 24 minutes. The run was hard - but I was surprisingly OK with it, and I even picked off someone in my age group!! I finished in 3:26:04. I need to be faster on the bike for my next one. And my run. I can work on that. And also my swim was super slow for me. Dang, I have WORK to do.

But I did feel great. I was so happy to finish. It was HARD. My dad showed up at one point while I was on the bike, when I saw the mountain. I swear he was THERE. He talked to me. And then he was gone. That doesn't happen often, but I am SO HAPPY it happened that day.

I really love doing triathlons. It has been so long since I did one! Training is time consuming. But I felt great. Or, as great as you will feel in the midst of all that. I haven't hardly worked out one iota since then. I did a run one day, did a lift. I'm just happy my weight has stayed down.

Actually, this past week I lost weight. The Stress Diet IS REAL, people. My boss and I do not have the best relationship, which is difficult, but up until last week it was manageable. Now, we have a real problem. We have been able to get through these things before, and for me I was able to frame it in "I work for my company, not my boss" to kind of distance myself from the bad parts of the situation. Which worked for the past two years. But then last week, well, I feel like my boss launched an all-out attack on me. Again, he did it before, and we got through it once but I really am not sure I have the stomach to get through this again. And I know how things go, it's pretty universal that if your manager doesn't like you, you'll be out the door one way or another. So... the stress is real. I have had nightmares about him every night since this happened, and woken up sweating. I don't know how to manage THAT.

PLUS.... we happen to be SUPER busy at work. And one coworker quit unexpectedly. And and and and and. I think it's funny, I worked like the MOST number of hours ever last week... even worked all day today... because I like to do a good job. I mean, seriously. I have this super glorious fantasy that they will walk him out the door on Monday (he's on vacation). But alas, I know that's a fantasy. My company does not kill their people, even when they should. So there's that.

In any case. I can't believe I am here in this ambush situation with my boss AGAIN. I truly wish he would just GO. GO GO GO. Until then, I have to make my peace with the situation, or get out. I think I like option B better, this time.

But yeah. Triathlon. Still below goal. Stress. You know, I do think I'd like to be a good 10 pounds lighter before my next triathlon. I'm in great shape, but carrying less weight will really help me out next time.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Lifetime Status - 173.2

Hit it today. Wanted to note it. Today is brought to you by the color red. I wore red pants to my meeting. The receptionist who weighed me was wearing red shoes. My "Yea, ME!" post background picture had red poppies in it. I bought myself an old red bicycle. I ate lunch at Boston Market, which is full of red, and paid for it with a red gift card from my mom.

And then a situation, completely unrelated to weight, had me seeing red. I acknowledged the feelings and shed a few tears. And now I'm moving on past it. Life goes on, let go or be dragged.

I really am proud of myself for making Lifetime. There is no finish line. I was so worried about how was I going to get to goal. How was I going to STAY at goal. How was I going to make lifetime. How am I going to handle holidays, and Christmas, etc. The answer is, just do what you need to do THAT DAY. And sure, have an eye for the future but don't worry about how it will work out because you know what you need to do and, more importantly...


So hooray and cheers to me. I'm doing it. Lifetime is for life. For whatever reason, it was not a struggle to get here, or stay here, once I figured out that yes, I can do it, I know what needed doing and I just went and did it. And now to keep on keepin' on.