Friday, February 16, 2018

time flies - 178.4

Baby steps. Someday I'll get to goal. I'm pretty much there. I have to work on social situations (love to celebrate with food and drinks) and tough days (drinks make them easier, for a moment). I am consciously working on both these things. This has been a terrible week - Valentine's Day massacre of kids at Kyle's high school. His niece was locked in a closet for a terrifying 90 minutes. 17 dead. I can't believe I live in a country like this. Then got assigned a surprise trip by my boss, went to ask him about it and was reprimanded for being "resistant." Had to go to HR about the situation, disappointing as I thought we were past this pettiness. I know it's not personal, he is lashing out for something that has nothing to do with me, but this behavior is not OK. What to do about it? Apply for new job, as HR clearly doesn't want to do anything about it. And I don't want to get into this big scary other thing that is looming in my life. But there is a big scary other thing looming. It is terrifying. I can't do anything about it, so I'm going to do my best not to worry until someone tells me I need to worry. But there have already been tears. So many tears.

And all this to say... I really am determined to treat myself well in spite of all this. Basically, I WILL NOT EAT MY FEELINGS - or drink them. Well, it's the weekend, so I will enjoy some champagne with DH. But because I'm happy to be here on this earth, with him and my doggie love, no matter how long or short the moment. I'm blessed. Otherwise, I'm determined to just deal with the feelings, the good and the bad.

The Olympics are on. Shaun White did a spectacular job with his run, I was so happy for him. He was so overwhelmed with emotion - something I truly love to watch unfold as I feel like I get to share in their tears of joy. He even said to the lady interviewing him "Bring it in" (for a hug) at the end of his slopeside tearful interview. Then Mikaela Shiffrin won gold in the Giant Slalom. I was really hoping she would get her five gold medals, but then she missed it in the slalom yesterday - that is HER event! She didn't even medal. I felt so badly for her. It also gave me some solace that we all have bad days, and we just get up and try again tomorrow. She has three more events. I hope she nails it at every one.

Watching the Olympics gets me super motivated to work out. I've been pushing harder, adding weights, lifting like I mean it rather than just going through the motions. Erging harder, that minute on is ON, these days! No display on the monitor? Doesn't matter, there's a big clock I can watch. The meters don't matter, the effort does, and I'm putting in the effort, workout-wise. Proud of myself for it!

Like I said at the beginning, as far as food goes, I now recognize I overeat in social situations and I am actively working on that. I am making progress, but I'm not there yet. I have a LOT of social situations (so, lots of opportunities to practice, right?) so it's hard to watch myself making these mistakes so often. But I'll get there, to where it doesn't happen... I try to pat myself on the back when I see me doing well. This isn't a race, it's for life and learning new habits takes time. I am also light years better about emotional eating than I used to be. It's still there. Pizza does make me feel better, for a moment... but I have fewer of those moments, and I'm at a point where if it happens I don't beat myself up about not sticking to my food plans, so that is progress. I have found that tracking the mistake and just moving on with my plan is actually helping - and I am far better at stopping myself from wrecking my efforts by way of too much food. Like yesterday, in the midst of everything, my emotional eating was an extra slice of pizza. One slice. I did it consciously. I tracked it, I moved on to my healthy dinner and no drinks. Baby steps.

Four little pounds. They'll go, soon enough. Happy Friday in February. Hug your loved ones and love the sinners, too - not just the saints. And that includes you, too. <3