Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year's Day 2018

What a three months the end of 2017 was. Sister got married, we went to Munich, we had my big 4-0 in Aspen and it was glorious, Thanksgiving with friends in sister's new house, December adventures in Denver and a trip to FL to visit the fam (where I am now).

Miraculously, I got to goal (according to my bathroom scale) the morning we left CO for FL. Yay, me. Since then, I have proceeded to eat whatever I want, drink whatever I want and track pretty much none of it. I had a moment of panic and wanting to beat myself up about this - ironically, on the day I went to a WW meeting and the scale number was horrific - but then I realized I had a terrible cold and while I was doing kind of badly with my food choices, I was also on vacation with my family and DH's family doing the best I can. If I have to take a week off, so be it, I'll be back at it in no time. And I'm slowly making my way back there, wherever "there" is.

So... what do I want for this year? I want to stay at goal. First, I need to use January to get BACK THERE and then keep on going with it. Last year I really started to change my body comp, I want to work on that more this coming year. I think I'd like to be a solid "medium" rather than large, which means I get to where I was and then I work a little more. I've already planned out how this will go for January. Speaking of...

In sad news, I had to fire the trainer I've been working with for over a year. His life sort of derailed to the point where he was constantly cancelling on me, and while I kept up my workouts anyhow I would rather get a more reliable one-on-one trainer than try to wait for him to piece things back together. I feel sort of badly about that, but also it had to be done and I hope it was a wake-up call for him. I was actually really proud of myself for keeping my workouts up, and I'm thinking I will train myself in January and February and then see. I have a new program laid out... I'll probably start using this blog to do progress posts.

And speaking of goal, my goal changed on my 40th birthday. I realized my doc was right, if she was happy with my weight and didn't think I needed to lose, I'd take the note saying so to WW. So I did that and now 174 is my goal weight. I hadn't hit that officially with WW before leaving, but I should get it in January and hopefully be Lifetime by the end of Feb, and then I'll have an extra $40/month! So, $400, I can buy myself a new cruiser bike come summer. Or that's my plan. It will change - well, the 'what to buy' part - not the be at goal and stay there part. :)

This year I'd like to do morning workouts, then come home and post even if it's just a paragraph about what I did, thoughts, etc. I read this thing about Libras having a hard reality check year in 2016 that led to planting seeds in 2017 and early growth and sort of learning how not to snuff out or dismiss what we started. Then in 2018 we would see those seeds really start to take off, and the advice was to keep working on that garden and see what comes of it before stomping it out. This truly applies to my healthy-well-self journey, so my aim for 2018 is to just take that advice. Keep tending the garden, keep working to make it grow, and don't stomp it out before the harvest. Ha.

And with that, happy new year.