Tuesday, September 5, 2017

setting myself straight...

I guess the fact that I don’t want to put this in any type of writing is a testament to how much it affects me. I feel really badly about how I ate yesterday - Labor Day. Basically I ate well until I ate a piece of pie (which was amazing) and then I ate more off-plan food after that. Today I’m back on track. But I’m still mad at myself for yesterday.

It does absolutely NO GOOD to lament my poor choice or the fact that I faltered from my plans, yet here I am doing just that.

What I wish for myself is that I could see that even though yesterday did not go exactly to plan, it was, actually, PROGRESS. I had – *A* slice of pie. One. With a tbsp. of ice cream on the side. I didn’t have seconds. I didn’t eat pie and a brownie and a cookie. This is TRULY progressive!  I think my plan going into the bbqs – which included skipping sugar entirely – was not realistic. Perhaps “enjoy sugar only if it is a HOMEMADE DESSERT” should have been part of the plan. I now know that for next time. I can see that right now, just as I type this out. I could not see it last night. And then after I got home, down in the trenches, rather than analyze what I was doing to myself I ended up having another drink, some nuts, a square of chocolate, bites of gelato, and a slice of bread with butter before I finally put myself to bed.

This morning I got up and did my weights workout at Base, ate a healthy breakfast and packed a healthy lunch and snacks for the day.  I also planned to eat a healthy dinner, so I really am on track.  Which means there must be no more beating myself up over yesterday because I have MOVED ON and I MADE THE NEXT DECISION A GOOD ONE.

Pretty sure Frau Cutesy approves of this plan.