Friday, September 5, 2014


This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think I'm about back up to the start, where I need to lose 20 pounds. So here goes, no more excuses or "tomorrow I will" or any of that. It is now SHOW TIME.

Things I Need To Do:

Remove unhealthy foods from fridge and freezer.

Remove unhealthy foods from cabinets.

Make a workout plan for the week every Friday or Saturday. Follow it all week - no excuses, fit it in! Start with weights twice per week, yoga once per week. Any other workouts are BONUS.

Drink a lot of water (you have a new water bottle for this!!)

For now, avoid situations you can't handle well, such as barbecues, tailgating parties, etc. Keep gum with you at all times and USE IT.

Pick one day per week for sugar treat. You can also eat sugar that is HOME MADE (from scratch, not from a box) on a day where you earned enough calories/points to negate it. Keep in mind that just because you CAN do that, doesn't mean you should - look at the whole week.

Keep the drinking to less than 5 drinks per week, stick to wine and beer. Margaritas/Mojitos are sugar treats. You have to earn those.

Shop for healthy produce and prep it and place into containers as soon as you get home.

Ba-BAM! Go get it, Wonder Woman.... and start now, with Happy Hour!!